Price set for street repair project

SAN BENITO — The Ratliff Street project cost a total of $122,000.

The newly-completed street project included replacing deteriorated water and sewer lines under the street with new lines, and the total reconstruction of the street from sub grade to asphalt topping.

The water and sewer line replacement was contracted to GoUnderground, Inc. at a cost of $95,000, according to Public Works Director Adan Gonzalez.

It took another $27,000 for the road rebuild.

“We started with removing the pavement, going to the sub grade, added lime for stability, put in a full eight inches of caliche and lime, and finished with 2 ½ inches of compacted asphalt. It is a completely new street,” Gonzalez said.

City crews completed work last Friday, allowing the new street to be reopened to traffic.

“If we had not replaced the underground lines, we likely would have had to go in later, dig up the new street and put a patch over the area, which is exactly what we worked to avoid,” Gonzalez said.

“We will have a perfectly good street that will last for many years to come. And, that is the approach we are taking with our overall street improvement project. There is a tremendous amount of money involved in taxpayers’ money and we want to make sure we invest it wisely.”

Commissioners have prioritized 69 streets as designated by the Street Maintenance Department.

“We realize that there are many streets in great need, and we are working hard on them. They have been neglected over the past years, and our full focus is on making the needed improvements,” Gonzalez said.