Another scam reported in Harlingen area

HARLINGEN — Recently a concerned citizen notified the Harlingen Police Department about a possible scam in the area.

The reporting person said a man knocked on his door during the hours. The person claimed to be from the resident’s home security company. The subject advised he was scheduling times to have someone come into the home and switch out the card in the security system.

In this case, the male subject had somehow obtained a name of one of the residents. The person was described as a white male, thin (maybe 165 pound), about 5-9 or 5-10.

During the summer months, door-to-door solicitors become increasingly active. If you have a security company sticker posted anywhere on your residence solicitors may attempt to gain entry or information by falsely representing your security company.

Most security companies will not send a representative to your door without setting up an appointment in advance.

If confronted with this situation or anything similar in nature, contact your security company (if applicable) and verify.

Report the incident to your local law enforcement agency.

The following tips / responses may assist in handling door-to-door solicitors:

Put up a NO SOLICITING sign near your front door.

You are not obligated to open the door for everyone who shows up.

If you are interested in talking to the solicitor, it is important to stay observant and cautious.

Do not allow them inside you home.

Don’t fall for pressure tactics.

The city of Harlingen has a city ordinance requiring solicitors to obtain a permit. Contact the police department or City Hall if you have any questions regarding solicitors.