SB school board to present results of 2016 STAAR test

SAN BENITO — So, how are the kids of San Benito performing?

During this evening’s regular meeting of the San Benito school board, Superintendent Dr. Adrian Vega will tell everyone when he presents the results from the 2016 STAAR standardized test.

During the past two years, the San Benito school district has met the standard defined by Texas Education Agency’s accountability ratings.

The STAAR program, which was implemented in spring 2012, includes annual assessments for reading, mathematics, writing, science, social studies and end-of-course assessments.

In February, Vega presented the results from the 2014-2015 STAAR test to the school board.

The district fared well, according to Vega.

Graduation rates were higher than the region and state average. The district out-preformed the state and region in the area of grades three through 12 in math and the district out-performed the state in English II and biology.

The district also showed a larger percentage of students who finished their first year of college without remediation.

No information has been released or is available regarding the results Vega will speak about tonight.

In conjunction with the good news, there were also some parts of the 2014-15 report that highlighted a need for improvement.

The STAAR test performance for grades three through 12 in social studies failed to meet the standard, with the district scoring 65 percent, 7 points lower than the region and 13 points lower than the state average.

The district had 58 percent of its graduates who were college ready in reading and English, 10 points less than the state average.

The San Benito school district scored above the targeted numbers in all four of the state’s indexes. This is the highest rating a school district can achieve.

In index one, student achievement, the district scored a 71.

The target score is 60.

In index two, student progress, the district scored a 31.

The target is 20.

In index three, closing performance gaps, the district scored a 38.

The target is 28.

And in index four, post secondary readiness, the district scored a 73.

The target is 57.

In addition to the STAAR results, Vega will give board members an update on current grants, the pre-kindergarten full-day inniative, a cash account report and the student account cash balance.

Board members will also consider taking action on several items including purchasing iPads for migrant students and gifted and talented students, school software and purchasing computers for classes.