Preparing kids: San Benito CISD’s elementary campuses to offer full-day pre-kindergarten

Pre-kindergarten is a child’s first experience in a structured setting with teachers and groups of children. This experience helps provide an opportunity in helping students learn the importance of gaining knowledge, following instructions and sharing.

“San Benito CISD understands the need to provide this foundation during a child’s formative years and with that in mind, our district is extremely excited about offering a full-day pre-kindergarten experience at all of our elementary campuses,” said Julie Treviño, the district’s Executive Director for Academic Services.

In 2015, House Bill (HB) 4 was passed by the 84th Texas Legislature and signed by Governor Greg Abbott. HB 4 establishes additional state support for high-quality pre-kindergarten programs, including authorization for a grant program.

As a result of a grant awarded through the Texas Education Agency, the district will strengthen the existing pre-kindergarten program beginning in the 2016-2017 school year.

“The district will expand their collaboration with the NINOS, Inc. (Neighbors in Need of Services, Incorporated) Head Start/Early Start Program, and in doing so, we will be able to provide a full day of instruction for all incoming pre-kindergartener students,” Treviño explained.

Seven SBCISD campuses will participate in a model where NINOS will serve eligible students in the morning, while during that same time, the school district serves another group of head start eligible students. The groups will then interchange in the afternoon.

The following elementary schools will offer renewed collaboration of efforts with NINOS:

– Fred Booth Elementary

– Landrum Elementary

– Rangerville Elementary

The elementary campuses listed below will begin participating in this initiative with NINOS:

– Frank Roberts Elementary

– La Encantada Elementary

– La Paloma Elementary

– Sullivan Elementary

The elementary schools listed below will also be providing full day pre-kindergarten instruction:

– Angela G. Leal Elementary

– Dr. C.M. Cash Elementary

– Ed Downs Elementary

– Dr. Raul Garza, Jr. Elementary

– Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary

The local early childhood education program supports effective teaching practices that have been shown to lead to important growth in children’s intellectual and social development. This practice is critical to the child’s future academic success.

Additional information about the district’s full day pre-kindergarten program and information regarding registration can be obtained by contacting the district’s Elementary Curriculum Director Connie Cruz at 956-361-6302 or by contacting the nearest elementary campus.