Vincent A. Olivarez Valedictorian at Santa Rosa High School

Parents: Guadalupe and Priscilla Olivarez

Where are you going to college and why

I will be attending Texas A&M University in College Station to pursue my dream of becoming a computer engineer.

Favorite class/subject and why

My favorite subject is mathematics because I love problem-solving and logical thinking.

Most influential person

My parents are the most influential people in my life. My dad instilled persistence and competitiveness while my mom pressed perseverance and encouraged my faith in God. I am extremely grateful for their unconditional love.

Activities involved in

Senior class president, president of the Business Professionals of America Chapter, UIL Academics, varsity football, selected to the Elite Academy, All State Team in football, varsity basketball to which made it to the Elite 8, also selected to play football for the RGVCA East All Star team.

Favorite quote

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”

Andy Dufresne in “Shawshank Redemption”