High School Scholars – Taylor Ireland Gray

Valedictorian – La Feria High School

Parents: John and Stephanie Gray

Where are you going to college and why

I will be attending Texas Christian University in Forth Worth next fall as part of the university’s Honors program and I will be majoring in biochemistry. I have chosen this university because it has an incredible academically enriching environment with friendly, students, caring professors, supportive community and a beautiful campus. I am confident that this school will afford me many opportunities in the future.

Favorite class/subject and why

It’s too hard to pick just one subject to name as my favorite, but if I had to, it would be a tie between English and chemistry. I have always been a huge bookworm and being that a majority of the women in my family are English teachers, it’s natural for me to be a huge fan of the subject. I love chemistry because it is heavily math-based and I appreciate that there is only a right and wrong answer, nothing in between.

Most influential person

in your life and why

The most influenctial person, or rather people, in my life, are my parents. They have always given me the upmost support in everything I have tried to do and it is because of this support that I am where I am today. They have always encouraged me to work my hardest and for that I will be forever grateful.

Activities involved in

I am president of my school’s Student Council and Bible Club, a member of Business Professionals of America and National Honors Society, a participant in UIL Poetry and Literary Criticism, the captain of our Masterminds team for the last two years, a member in the band, and Editor of the Yearbook my senior year and Co-Editor my junior year. I was also my school’s sophomore class representative at the Rotary Youth Leadership Association (RYLA) camp.

Favorite famous quote?

My favorite quote is by J.K. Rowling which reads, “We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. We have the power to imagine better.”