San Benito schools plan for future

SAN BENITO — The San Benito school district has a draft of a plan for its future.

Committees met in their final session Saturday to iron out and draft up the final details of the Re-Imagine 2021 strategic plan.

The past five work sessions have all worked their way up to this final point.

As drafts go, officials say things can still be changed.

However, now there is an actual plan, complete with goals and priorities.

Superintendent Dr. Adrian Vega said last week a final copy is expected to be sent to the school board for approval in July.

Work on the strategic plan began as soon as Vega arrived in January.

Staff, students, teachers, community members and area officials have been part of the strategic planning process.

After an initial meeting in early April, those involved were moved into groups.

Several groups were charged with coming up with goals and concepts regarding all aspects of the district, including curriculum, facilities, financials and communications.

Although those categories are key to the strategic plan, another part consists of results from an efficiency and curriculum audit.

The results from the audits should be made available in the next few weeks.

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Core Values under the Re-Imagine 2021 plan

San Benito CISD believes:

• All students can and will learn.

• All teachers can teach.

• High expectations for all encourage excellence.

• Resources to support students’ needs must be provided.

• Excellence in teaching and learning is vital.

• All students will be supported to pursue their passion upon graduation.

• Respect for individuals is essential.

• A community with shared ownership, purpose and commitment work well together.

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