Crosswalk response odd…

Recently I read of the possibility of putting speed bumps by Bonham school – a good idea for the safety of the students.

Those of us associated with St. Paul Academy understand that we cannot have speed bumps on Washington Avenue because it is an emergency vehicle route, but we certainly would welcome a crosswalk in front of the school.

Once a week, the entire student body crosses Washington Avenue illegally in front of the school to go to chapel service at the church. If they walk up the avenue to Citrus Terrace to cross legally, they must walk in the street because there is no sidewalk on that side of Washington Avenue.

It would certainly be cheaper to paint two white lines in front of the school than to install a sidewalk up the street.

However, I’m told a crosswalk cannot be put in the middle of the block.


I’ve seen two crosswalks not at corner intersection in town. What is the real reason we can’t have a crosswalk for our children’s safety on Washington Avenue?

Caroline Steele Harlingen