May in the Garden


People born in May have ties with the lily and its connections to friendship and devotion. These flowers also suggest a certain level of elegance.


Cut the stems back to about four inches and repot in a larger container, watering well. Once new growth appears, begin fertilizing every two weeks with a complete fertilizer.


To clean and repair (or replace) garden tools


Shrubs, climbing roses, etc.

When chrysanthemums have six leaves, pinch out the top to induce branching. Pinch back branches as each of these develops six leaves.

Consider replacing flagging impatiens with caladium for the upcoming hot months.

To promote flowering, remove all old flowers on petunias, verbena and other plants which are beginning to look seedy. In very leggy cases, cut them back to encourage new growth.

Prune established shrubs, prune climbing roses after they have finished blooming.


Replace tired-looking impatients with caladium for summer.

Any summer blooming annuals by bedding plants or seeds. ( i.e. coleus, pentas, periwinkles, cosmos, phlox, snapdragon, zinnia. Etc. Etc. Etc. Let your imagination go!)


Follow your fertilizing schedule, especially for roses, amaryllis, and plants that continue blooming. Keep beds lightly cultivated or mulched. Feed amaryllis and hibiscus

Continue feeding hummers and migrating wildlife.



Be sure you have mulched well to protect roots from the sun. Water deeply.

Stake fast-growing plants to protect long spires from high winds.


Watch for spider mites on ornamentals, especially marigolds. Powdery mildew and other diseases may merge. Spray citrus for scale and mites.