Support this important bill

I urge you to support S. 2712, the “Combat-Injured Veterans Tax Fairness Act of 2016,” introduced by Sen. John Boozman (R-AR) and co-sponsored by Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA). Service members who have been separated from the armed forces due to combat-related injuries sustained while serving are to receive a tax-exempt, one-time lump sum disability severance payment.

However, the DoD has been taxing this payment and must be held accountable to stop this action and identify and notify those who have been affected allowing the Veterans to reclaim that which was improperly withheld.

The Air Force Sergeants Association represents all current and former Air Force members and, as a member, I see this as a priority for this Congress to take action on. Please do all you can to help pass this piece of legislation. Those who serve this nation and are impacted by that arduous service, deserve no less. I respectfully request a response so I can know where you stand on this matter.

Sincerely, Jaime Garcia-Cruz Raymondville