What’s going to happen at Republican convention?

The Republicans are holding their presidential convention this summer in Cleveland. A Republican presidential nominee needs 1,237 delegates to gain the nomination to run against Hillary Clinton, the apparent Democratic nominee in the November general election.

As of mid-March, the front-runner, Donald Trump, had 661 delegates, Ted Cruz 406, Marco Rubio 169 and John Kasich 142. However, Rubio recently dropped out of the presidential race a few days ago.

Some people might be wondering which remaining candidate will get Rubio’s delegates at the convention. It varies from state to state but most of these delegates may choose which candidate to endorse.

This is because in most states, delegates become “unbound” or free to choose and support other contenders as their candidates withdraw from the presidential race.

These “unbound” delegates don’t have the support of the front-runner in a contested convention. Rubio can choose who to endorse if he wishes. However, in most states, these delegates are “bound” on the first ballot. After this, they can vote for any candidate of their choice.

During the 1976 Republican convention, the “unbound delegates” helped Gerald Ford get the nomination instead of Ronald Reagan. However, Ford lost that election to Jimmy Carter.

Later, Reagan won the 1980 and 1984 elections and became a twoterm president.

Most of the time in heavily contested races, “unbound delegates” may decide who will become the Republican presidential nominee. It might happen this summer again.

Silvestre Moreno Jr. Mercedes