Building an elite

MERCEDES — After publishing his first book, “The Greatest Machine,” Coach Jacob Howell is following up with his second on how to help people build an elite body.

“It’s an elite exercise program for a million dollar athlete,” Howell said. “And it’s for anyone who wants to be elite fit.”

The book is packed with a six-week exercise program and 30-day meal plan on how to get lean and lose fat.

“I know everything about being fit and elite,” Howell said. “I have trained most athletes that have gone to play division one sports from the Valley.”

Howell’s book is titled “Cross Training for Elite Athletes, and a Champion’s Mentality” is scheduled to be published next month and will be available in hard copy and for download on electronic readers.

“This book is to help people become elite physically,” Howell said. “It will do me no good if I was to keep my knowledge all to myself.”

Howell, 38, from Mercedes, is a strength and conditioning coach who has worked on coaching staffs at the professional and college level.

He was intern strength and conditioning coach for Florida State University under Bobby Bowden and the University of Texas with Mac Brown while he was finishing up his certification for strength and conditioning.

Howell later joined the St. Louis Cardinals in Major League Baseball as an assistant, and was the head strength and conditioning coach for 16 sports teams at Concordia University before becoming the strength and conditioning coordinator for the Mercedes ISD athletic sports teams.

Howell said he came back to the Valley to be near his family because life on the road as a sports coach took its toll.

Howell said the book will detail some of his life story and journey in the sports world to motivate his readers and give insight to working out with elite athletes.

“I’m hoping people will get a sense of accomplishment and get self confidence through fitness,” Howell said.

Howell earned his masters degree at UTRGV when it was UTPA in exercise science with emphasis on strength and conditioning and human performance.

He earned his bachelors in kinesiology and health science.

Howell also is a former World Fitness Champion.

“I’m excited about this book,” Howell said. “I’m almost 40 and I try to stay elite in fitness as much as I can while helping people along the way.”