Weather page missing valuable information

I am very disappointed in the changes that you have made to your weather section to the Valley Morning Star starting this past week Tuesday, March 1.

Your new format does not show the Tide Charts for the Gulf Coast. It does not show the range of wind speeds for each day of the week. And, it does not show the Probability of Precipitation for each day. This is totally unacceptable for people who live along the Gulf Coast.

We plan our activities depending on the tides, the chance of rain and wind conditions. Two of the counties that you cover, Willacy and Cameron, are on the Gulf Coast. You ignore the needs of the Brownsville Harbor as well.

Also, I note that the new Highs and Lows across the nation does not cover any cities of Canada and Mexico. You have many visitors, including our Canadian Winter friends, in the Valley who rely on the local paper for weather temps, and as you probably know, weather to the north – west affects our weather in Texas in a few days. Also, you have many former residents of Mexico who now live in South Texas.

I assumed it is a cost cutting effort to end the use of the weather provided by “ SEVEN DAY VALLEY FORECAST.” But, we still need to know the basic items of information I have mentioned in this letter, or it will drive people to another source for their weather info. Thank You.

Russ Bierl Port Isabel