Ocelots doomed by LNGs?

This past Saturday, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) plus Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge (LANWR) hosted along with the Gladys Porter Zoo, the Ocelot Conservation Day.

There were tables of fun facts about Ocelots and other wildlife, which were highlighted by demonstrations of Sihil, a live Ocelot for all to see. It was a Great Learning Experience.

However, we were saddened to learn that the FWS had lost their decades old lease on the Brownsville ship channel which connected the Bahia Grande wildlife corridor.

Now it is bisected by the proposed LNG plants who obtained the FWS lease when the Brownsville Navigation District (BND) put their “Greedy Hats” on and sold out the Ocelot to the LNGs!

This is short sighted and a Danger to the nearby residents of South Padre Island, Port Isabel, and Laguna Vista, as well as Disastrous to the Ocelot and other wildlife in the LANWR.

We living in the Laguna Madre area enjoy the near pristine natural conditions of the wildlife, birds and fish on a daily basis. But the Greed of the BND is a clear and present danger to the Health of the Laguna Madre ecosystems as well as the nearby residents, who did Not have a Voice in the selection of the LNGs as our proposed polluting neighbors.

Climate change is Real and the Only safe place for the foolish fossil fuels is to remain in the ground. To destroy the last remnants of the RGV natural habitat in the LANWR to build LNG plants is a Travesty to our children and grandchildren who would like to see what this southmost part of Texas originally looked like.

LNG’s tanks lining highway 48 are not part of the Laguna Madre ecosystems.

Rick Teter Laguna Vista