Second Annual Trash Bash Art Contest encourages students to let their creativity flow

SAN BENITO — Students are encouraged to lend their hand to art that depicts a clean environment for the Second Annual Trash Bash Art Contest.

Students are encouraged to draw a poster about a clean environment. Winners’ posters will be put on display for the whole city to see.

The art contest is open to students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12th grade from any school, public, private and parochial.

Students will have an opportunity to win recognition and prizes from the city and attend a special awards ceremony after the Trash Bash on April. 9.

The posters must be original and done by the student. Only one entry per student is allowed. Posters will be judged based on workmanship, creativity, originality and message.

Paintings must be no larger than 12 by 18 inches, acrylic, ink, crayons, charcoal, soft and oil pastels, watercolor, markers or pencils.

Name of school, name of student, grade of student, name of teacher all should be written on a card, placed in a sealed envelope attached to the back of the poster, glued or taped, not stapled.

On the envelope students should write the name of their school and grade.

Winners’ teachers will be notified by email. Winning art will be displayed at the Municipal Building. Each school will select the top three posters to submit for the contest.

[email protected]