Sam Biscuit

I enjoyed reading the recent letter from Pilar Espinosa about tacos for school lunch.

It reminded me of a similar experience my husband, Sam Sparks, had as a boy growing up in Santa Rosa. He grew up during the Depression, and times were hard for everyone.

His mother, like Pilar’s mother, couldn’t afford to buy bread at the store. Instead, she made biscuits, which Sam carried to school in his lunch.

At that time, only the students who purchased a school lunch ate in the cafeteria, so Sam ate his lunch with the other kids who brought their lunches from home, be they tacos, burritos, or leftovers.

Many times, the other students wanted to trade with Sam. Who wouldn’t want a homemade biscuit, after all? Word soon got around that Sam had biscuits for lunch every day, and that’s how he became known as “Sam Biscuit.”

Remembering, Seanne (Mrs. Sam Biscuit) Sparks Santa Rosa