Students learn about importance of oral health

Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary students, staff, and administration recently welcomed Harlingen Family Dentistry to their school for a presentation on the importance of oral health.

Gail Thomason, public relations and community affairs director for Harlingen Family Dentistry, was the guest presenter.

Thomason explained how nutrition plays a role in dental health, analyzing the sugar content in various foods and discussing how many teaspoons of sugar we should consume daily according to the Surgeon General of the United States. The informational session included an instructional skit demonstrating how sugar and plaque destroy the health of the teeth.

Students also watched several videos demonstrating what happens during a dental visit and the proper way to brush and floss.

“Ms. Thompson has been visiting our school for several years now. Her fantastic presentations greatly benefit our students,” explained Assistant Principal Scott J. Hausler.

A very special guest, Willy the Walrus, made his appearance for a “What did we learn today?” session. The session served to reinforce that having healthy teeth included brushing and flossing ones teeth, eating healthy and drinking plenty of water, and getting dental check-ups and cleanings twice a year.

Students were encouraged to participate in the question and answer session and were allowed to give Willy hugs at the conclusion of the presentation.