Giving Back: Women’s Club donations of canned food will help Loaves & Fishes feed the hungry

HARLINGEN — The Sunshine Country Club Estates Women’s Club pulled into the Loaves & Fishes parking lot yesterday with a trailer hitched to a truck carrying more than 200 large cans of food.

“We like to give back to the community and people who are needy,” said Linda Davis, organization chairwoman. “Its one of the best things we’ve done for the community and it was rewarding to everyone involved.”

Pastor Bill Reagan, executive director of Loaves & Fishes, had been waiting for the delivery during lunch as many community members were eating soup and sandwiches with a cup of juice.

Members of the Women’s Club were excited and happy to have worked together for one month gathering the 1,300 pounds of food for the organization.

Loaves & Fishes hands out food bags on Wednesdays and Thursdays and prepares breakfast, lunch and dinner to help feed the hungry and the homeless every day.

The group consists of members who live in the Sunshine Country Club Estates, comprised of Rio Grande Valley natives and Winter Texan residents.

The club has been around for 35 years and works together on monthly projects.

“We asked all of the residents to participate by bringing in one or as many cans as possible,” said Carolyn Anderson, president of the women’s club.

She said they accomplished their goal of collecting the 200 cans or more in one month.

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Loaves & Fishes serves breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday through Friday and breakfast and dinner on Saturday and Sunday.

Meals served in January

13,962 total plates

4,133 for breakfast

2,492 for lunch

7,337 for dinner