Commentary: The San Antonio Raiders? That’ll never happen

Once again, there is talk of the NFL coming to San Antonio.

Earlier this week, San Antonio billionaire Red McCombs said during an interview that he and Oak-land Raiders owner Mark Davis have been talking about possibly relocating the team to the Alamo City.

According to Bleacher Report, Davis owns land in San Antonio and McCombs is willing to help Davis find a location to build a new stadium, which is something the Raiders desperately want and the main reason they are considering leaving their Northern California home again.

A new stadium is undoubtedly necessary if San Antonio ever hopes to lure an NFL team into town.

While the Alamodome is an adequate facility – especially when compared to the Raiders’ current home – it’s nearly 23 years old and is essentially just a giant concrete box. While it works great for the Alamo Bowl, has hosted the NCAA Final Four and is a great place to play high school football, it pales in comparison to the palaces that house the Dallas Cowboys and Houston Texans.

But even if a new stadium is built – and that’s a huge if – the San Antonio Raiders will never call it home. There’s just no way. Davis and McCombs are just blowing smoke.

The truth is, Davis is just using San Antonio so that Oakland will give him what he wants.

When NFL owners earlier this week voted to allow the St. Louis Rams to move back to Los Angeles along with an option for the San Diego Chargers, the Raiders suddenly lost the leverage they had always used in the past.

But even if San Antonio officials showed interest in the Raiders, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and Texans owner Robert McNair would never allow another team to invade the Lone Star State.

Both owners have never publically opposed the idea of an NFL team moving to SA, but why would they want a third team around?

Jones has gone on record as saying that 97 percent of football fans in the San Antonio area are already Cowboys fans and that if a team were to move there “they would be surrounded.”

It’s true.

Take a walk around the Alamo City and it won’t be long before a Cowboys T-shirt, jacket or cap is spotted. San Antonio is Cowboys Country. It always has been and always will be, so to think that generations of devout fans would suddenly change their colors from blue and white to black and silver is ridiculous.

If Davis and McCombs are serious about moving the Raiders, they would have a much better chance of relocating to London than to the Texas Hill Country.

This state just ain’t big enough.

Follow Dave Favila on Twitter @dfavila