South’s offense slumps in loss to Hanna

HARLINGEN — To say that the Harlingen South Hawks had a bad shooting night Friday against Brownsville Hanna may be a bit of an understatement.

The Hawks’ normally sharp offense simply couldn’t buy a basket during their 65-44 loss, especially in the first half when they scored just 14 points and were held to just two field goals.

Meanwhile, the Golden Eagles’ offense, which was paced by guard Gabe Martinez’s 22 points, overwhelmed the Hawks right from the start.

“We made some shots early and got some confidence. Maybe we’re finally staring to shoot the ball good enough to keep up with our defensive intensity,” said Hanna head coach Todd Barckholtz.

But while Hanna’s D was solid, the Hawks’ lack of offense definitely helped the Eagles.

South scored only six points in the opening quarter and eight in the second as shot after shot refused to fall, even at the free-throw line where the Hawks went 5 of 10 in the second period.

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