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Republicans aren’t united

The lack of unity within the GOP has been their Achilles’ heel for decades and continues to be a problem as long as they think that is not a problem. That seems to be the problem as Republicans continue to fail and blame Democrats for their bad decisions. If you don’t learn from your mistakes, you will continue to repeat them hoping that one day by a miracle they will fix themselves. That is just a way to ignore a problem, and fail to fix it.

As simple as it sounds, it is hard to do because you need to change the pattern you are set in and refuse to change, and wonder why the outcome always comes up against you.

The Republican Party today has nothing to offer the American voter. Joe Biden does not need the vote; he has the vote to get reelected. Even if Biden does not make a speech at all, he may still be reelected today by doing nothing. That’s how low the Republican Party has sunk.

This reminds me of a quote: “United we stand, divided we fall.” How true that is.

Rafael Madrigal


Mayor blasted

Make no mistake: Americans who have lost their lives to Fentanyl were murdered. These deaths were not due to overdoses, they were poisonings.

China and Mexico are killing our citizens. The city of Harlingen is now included in a statistical and horrific nightmare. The Fentanyl epidemic has arrived in Harlingen. Our citizens are now subject to this deadly and devastating evil scourge.

Harlingen suffered 11 fentanyl poisonings caused by drugs laced with fentanyl. Five were fatal and six were catastrophic. The Harlingen Police Department led the investigation into finding the drug dealer and got their man. We are grateful.

While this story is unfolding, our mayor is somewhere with her hand on her hip and smiling for the camera. It appears these are the optics she prefers.

Our mayor doesn’t want to address the ugly truth that these deadly drugs have arrived in our city and are killing our citizens. It’s just not a pretty narrative. Well, Mayor Sepulveda, you can’t put lipstick on this pig.

Where are the community public service announcements? Where are the school awareness programs? Where are you? What are you waiting for?

I ask the public to pray for our law enforcement and first responders’ safety as they are on the front lines of this fentanyl drug war on our citizens. Pray for the families dealing with the horrific pain of losing loved ones. Parents, educate your babies and hold them tight. Pray for our pastors, teachers, medical professionals and elected officials to lead and educate our families. And pray for our city.

Madam Mayor, let me be frank: I didn’t vote for you, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Your “change” has been abysmal at best, and scores of people who voted for you agree with me.

It’s time for you to step up and do your job. Address these fentanyl deaths as this is just the beginning. We need to come together to educate, prepare and forge solutions to protect our people. Our citizens need to know that one pill can kill. It’s time you show some leadership.

DawnRae Leonard


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