LETTERS: Not green enough, Bidens accused

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South Texas College Pecan campus on Wednesday, June 23, 2021, in McAllen. (Joel Martinez | [email protected])
Not green enough

Bravo to Futuro RGV, the sponsors and South Texas College for hosting the Building a Thriving RGV workshop presentations on the Pecan campus in McAllen. STC is a local institution that always has been progressive and inclusive in its education goals, and it was evidenced here with numerous speakers on pertinent topics: future industries, broadband, economic development, university initiatives, housing, health care and services, financial and food insecurity. The most important factor, however, is the coordination and communication through numerous task force members.

As I listened during the presentations, I kept noticing the Futuro RGV logo that included the color green with two green leaves, but I heard nothing in the presentations indicating that environmental/ecological and sustainable/renewable issues were included or considered.

This summer our area is living with severe high temperatures caused by climate change through fossil-fuel extractions and use as well as increased building sprawl resulting in fewer green spaces available that act toward cooling as well as residential recreation/wellness and flooding absorption. Ironically, not a mile or two away from this workshop is Green Jay Park near the McAllen Convention Center that is slated to be rezoned and commercialized by the city while the local residents protest the destruction of their local green area and park.

I hope this oversight of green spaces and parks for community health and wellness along with sustainability and resiliency will be corrected and included in the task force as a holistic element in the “building of a thriving RGV.”

Diane Teter


Bidens accused

It’s absolutely outrageous and disgraceful that President Trump got impeached for a phone call. He was impeached for asking the Ukrainian president to investigate the shady Biden family deals and corruption and bribery in Ukraine. All this is now well-documented, and no further debate is needed.

Hunter Biden was influence peddling and Joe Biden was the “big guy.” The Democrats impeached Trump to deflect from the actual criminal. But as we know now, the FBI had documents and evidence that would’ve exonerated Trump and that detailed the Biden’s family crooked deals in Ukraine. The FBI was in possession of those documents at the same time the phony Trump impeachment was proceeding in Congress. Unfortunately, and sadly, nobody from the FBI came forward in defense of our duly elected president — they all just watched the impeachment go on. That FBI behavior is traitorous!

President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden leaves after a court appearance, Wednesday, July 26, 2023, in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

They caught Joe and Hunter Biden red-handed committing treason. What proof is there that the Bidens are actually corrupt? Well, emails, text messages, bank statements and recordings explicitly detailing the scam the Bidens were operating have been produced and are public record. And now, several very reliable whistleblowers and former business partners are on record detailing the Bidens’ corruption. And please don’t tell me that Hunter Biden is a private citizen — remember how the Democrats truly went after the whole Trump family?

Get ready for another baloney Trump indictment to deflect from the Biden crime family.

Joel Ramirez


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]