Mission CISD achieves top financial integrity rating

Mission CISD welcomed back students Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2024, for the first day of school. (Courtesy: Mission CISD/Facebook)
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The Mission Consolidated Independent School District earned a perfect score of 100 in the School Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) for 2023-2024 school year.

FIRST is a financial accountability system developed by the Texas Education Agency assigning one of four ratings to Texas school districts from A for “Superior Achievement” to F for “Substandard Achievement.” The accountability system is in its 22nd year.

The A rating for MCISD is based on data from the 2022-2023 school year and highlights the district’s financial management and maximization of resources for instruction purposes.

The accomplishment marks the eighth consecutive year for the district to earn the top rating.

“Receiving an A rating with a perfect score from the FIRST system highlights our district’s commitment to financial accountability and excellence,” Cris Valdez, interim superintendent, stated in a press release. “This achievement would not be possible without the diligent work of our Board of Trustees, district leadership, internal auditor, finance team, and the support of our entire community. This recognition commands our efforts to ensure that every dollar spent directly benefits our students and their educational experience.”

Along with the rating, the district has earned other financial awards in 2023-2024.

MCISD received the Meritorious Budget Award from the Association of School Business Officials International; a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association; and the Award of Merit for Purchasing Operations from the Texas Association of School Business Officials.