Man running from Border Patrol demanded ‘someone with jurisdiction’

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Border Patrol agents arrested a combative man on Wednesday after he fled the Falfurrias checkpoint and kept yelling that “he wanted someone with jurisdiction to pull him over” during a pursuit, according to a criminal complaint.

Jason David McKinney was charged with knowingly fleeing or evading an immigration checkpoint in a motor vehicle in excess of the legal speed limit.

At about 12:45 a.m. that day, an agent assigned to the primary inspection duties at the Falfurrias checkpoint encountered McKinney driving a purple truck pulling a trailer and observed two visible occupants.

As the agent approached, McKinney cracked his window open about two inches, which wasn’t enough for the agent to communicate with him, according to the complaint.

“As the agent attempted to ask if there were any other occupants inside the vehicle, McKinney made some unintelligible hand gestures and responded vocally in the same manner,” the complaint said.

The agent was unable to hear McKinney due to the window barely being open and the sounds of the diesel engine.

So, the agent informed McKinney that he couldn’t hear him and he responded with more hand gestures and began to pull away from the checkpoint, ignoring orders to stop.

Several agents began to pursue McKinney but he wouldn’t stop.

One of the pursuing agents assumed McKinney couldn’t see or hear the pursuing vehicles, so they pulled alongside him and yelled out the window for McKinney to pull over.

“McKinney yelled back and responded that he wanted someone with authority to pull him over,” the complaint said. “Shortly after, he yelled once again, he wanted someone with authority to pull him over.”

McKinney eventually drove into the U.S. Highway 281 rest area, exited his tractor, started yelling and stated once more that he wanted someone with the authority to pull him over.

He began to walk away despite being told he was detained and not free to go.

An agent grabbed his arm which resulted in McKinney becoming combative. He started to push the three agents at the scene and was resisting.

The agents began to struggle with McKinney until he ended up on the ground before being placed in handcuffs.

McKinney sustained an injury to his forehead during the struggle and received medical care before being transported to the Falfurrias Border Patrol Station for processing.

Agents later found McKinney’s wife and his one-year-old and six-year-old children, who are United States citizens, in the vehicle.

McKinney is scheduled to appear before U.S. Magistrate Judge Jason B. Libby in Corpus Christi federal court Monday for his detention hearing.