State Rep. Lopez stands by first session, helped pass 12 bills

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Janie Lopez

HARLINGEN — After her first legislative session, State Rep. Janie Lopez, whose district includes Cameron and Willacy counties, is standing behind what she describes as one of the most productive sessions completed by freshman legislators.

Lopez currently has 12 bills she authored or jointly authored that have been signed by Gov. Greg Abbott or are on his desk awaiting his signature.

“I was elected to get work done for District 37, and I took my job seriously,” she stated. “I am proud of the important work that I was able to accomplish during my first term to get meaningful results House District 37.”

One of Lopez’s accomplishments includes passing House Bill 4742, which Abbott signed June 9.

HB 4742 is based on a study by the Texas Water Development Board of issues faced by communities with artificial drainage systems.

“This study is the start for future, and much needed, funding for flood mitigation throughout District 37,” a press release states.

In early June, the 88th Legislature was called back for a special session to address property taxes and border security.

For the special session, Lopez co-authored HB 1, which would lead to the largest property tax cut in Texas history.

Meanwhile, she’s a joint author of HB 2, which aims to crack down on human smuggling and the operation of stash houses.

“While I am happy with the good work that we have already accomplished during the legislative session, there remains more work to do for Texans and District 37 constituents,” she stated. “I look forward to giving Texans needed property tax cuts and passing additional border security measures that combat human smuggling in our community.”

Editor’s note: This story has been updated for clarity. 

To find a comprehensive list of bills filed — and the status of those bills — visit and click the 88th Texas Legislative Session tab, which has an interactive spreadsheet and a comprehensive list of AIM Media Texas’ legislative coverage.