Edinburg officials join spiritual leaders, residents to pray for city

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Edinburg’s mayor and the city council held a prayer breakfast with the community and leaders at the Region One Education Center on Wednesday May, 31, 2023. (Delcia Lopez | [email protected])

EDINBURG — Faith brought city officials, residents and spiritual leaders together to pray for healing Wednesday morning during Mayor Ramiro Garza Jr.’s inaugural prayer breakfast, where hope for unity and peace in a city that’s often faced political strife was the central theme of the event.

The city of Edinburg hosted the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast at the Region One Education Service Center, where religious leaders including the Jewish, Christian and Hindu faiths gathered to pray for the community. Among them was Bishop Michael Smith, who is non-denominational and delivered the opening prayer.

“When you have an inclusive city like Edinburg you have to keep God in the forefront of everything,” Smith said, adding that the turnout of people of various faiths showed how the city’s spiritual diversity can create a familial bond between the community and its institutions. “It’s important to make sure that as people come together we can be unified.”

Other speakers included Rabbi Nathan Farb from Temple Emanuel in McAllen, who prayed for the healing of the community and the importance of unity. He explained that with all the challenges one faces daily it is important that

Deacon Silvestre Garcia, from the St. Joseph Catholic Church, expressed gratitude for the prayerful approach to governing and leading the masses. He explained that during Wednesday’s ceremony he prayed in thanks for the blessing in the community and for the city’s leaders.

“… For civic leaders and the prayers that they need and support from us to continue to keep this community going on the right path morally and spiritually,” Garcia explained about the event’s importance, adding that an event like this highlights the importance of interfaith.

Garcia said it also gives the city a sense of spiritual identity.

“It’s a sense of who we are in Edinburg, we are a big family no matter what denomination we are,” he said. “We need to just keep hosting things like this to keep letting us know that yes we are united and that we are here for each other.”

Deacon Silvestre Garcia with St. Joseph Catholic Church, left, is shown during a prayer breakfast with the community and leaders at the Region One Education Center on Wednesday May, 31, 2023. (Delcia Lopez | [email protected])

For Mayor Ramiro Garza Jr., this breakfast not only served as a way to pray for the city and those in the community but it also highlighted the importance of making unity as a pillar of faith in Edinburg.

“Let us recommit ourselves to building a city that thrives in diversity, inclusivity and respect for every individual regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs,” Garza said.

“May this breakfast be a catalyst for lasting connections, renewed faith and commitment to working together for the betterment of our city.”