Pharr man found with over 100 videos of child porn on two phones

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A Pharr man was arrested Tuesday after the Homeland Security Investigations-led Rio Grande Valley Child Exploitation Investigation Task Force, or RGV CEITF, found over 100 videos of child sexual abuse material on his phone, according to a criminal complaint.

Juan Enrique Ochoa-Ibarra is charged with knowingly receiving and distributing child pornography using any means including a computer.

Members of the RGV CEITF were contacted by the Texas Attorney General’s Office with an investigation referral regarding an illicit chat that implied one member committed “sexual acts with their minor son.”

Ochoa was encountered at his place of employment on Tuesday by members of the RGV CEITF and asked to speak to him.

He agreed to speak, according to the complaint.

Ochoa provided the investigators verbal and written consent to search two mobile devices they found in his possession.

“Members of the RGV CEITF observed over 100 videos depicting prepubescent children engaged in sex acts with adults and other children in [Ochoa’s] mobile devices,” the complaint said.

He later admitted to knowingly receiving and distributing child sex abuse material using his mobile devices from about March 8 and April 4 using an online application.

Ochoa stated he received and or distributed approximately 100 videos of child sexual abuse material.

He’s set to appear before the U.S. Magistrate Judge J. Scott Hacker Friday morning for a detention hearing.