Police: Edinburg man arrest for taking pictures of girl in bathroom

Tristan Wyatt Miller

A 27-year-old Edinburg man was arrested Feb. 9 after taking photos of a girl while she was in the bathroom, according to police.

Tristan Wyatt Miller was charged with invasive visual recording in a bathroom/dressing room after police identified him though a facial recognition system.

Police arrived at the Academy located at 500 N. Jackson on Dec. 19, 2022, in reference to an improper video/photograph report.

At the store, police spoke to the victim who works at the Academy where the incident occurred.

She told authorities that she had gone to the restroom and was sitting down on the toilet “when she saw someone holding a phone underneath the restroom stall,” stated the complaint.

She explained that she noticed the cameras on the phone were pointed in her direction and that the person who held the phone was wearing black shoes.

After obtaining surveillance video from the store, police were able to identify Miller through a facial recognition system.

Miller was booked Feb. 9 and released the next day on a $5,000 bond.