Harlingen Collegiate top students talk graduation, careers

LEFT: Piper Bauer is this year's valedictorian at UTRGV Harlingen Collegiate High School. RIGHT: Triniti Adam is this year's salutatorian at UTRGV Harlingen Collegiate High School. (Courtesy photos)
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HARLINGEN – All those weeks, months and years have finally paid off.

When Piper Bauer and Triniti Adam graduate Friday from UTRGV Harlingen Collegiate High School, they will carry along with them the pride of taking the top spots in their class.

“It feels like my hard work paid off,” said Piper, 18, this year’s valedictorian at Harlingen Collegiate.

Triniti said she feels honored to be salutatorian.

“I feel very excited to take on the role as salutatorian,” she said, quickly adding that she wasn’t disappointed about not making valedictorian.

“I was actually pretty proud for Piper because honestly I think she fills the role of valedictorian to a T,” she said.

Both young women spoke avidly about their decision to attend Harlingen Collegiate, saying they wanted a head start on college work.

“I just wanted to get ahead for college and see what the college experience would be like,” Triniti said.

And she and Piper both learned that very well through long and disciplined study.

“I was really determined to finish everything on time and to just try my best with everything that I did,” Piper said. “I learn visually. I would take lots of notes. I was also a hands-on learner. I would do Quizlets and anything that I can work with.”

Likewise with Triniti.

“I’ll watch videos and then I’ll take notes on that,” she said. “I took notes during class, and I would stay up really late on some nights just studying and making sure that I understood everything.”

Triniti has big plans after high school.

“I plan to attend the University of Texas at Austin and major in journalism and communications,” she said.

She gave special thanks to Vanessa Cantu, her tutorials instructor for three years.

“She really helped me,” Triniti said. “She really brought an energy to the classroom every day that I had her.”

Piper hasn’t decided on her exact major when she attends Texas A&M – College Station after she graduates. Something in the sciences, she said.

As valedictorian, of course, she has the pick of just about anything.