Nine additional BPUB employees test positive for COVID-19

By Nubia Reyna
Staff Writer
The Brownsville Public Utilities Board announced Friday in a press release that nine additional employees tested positive for COVID-19.
The positive tests were confirmed June 18 through 25 and several actions have been taken as a precautionary measure including a deep cleaning of the employees’ work areas, a deep cleaning of common areas, and working with city and county health officials, the press release reads.
According to the press release, the following dates are when the employees were last seen at a BPUB facility:
>>One employee on April 15.
>> One employee on June 5.
>> Two employees on June 12.
>> Two employees on June 15.
>> Two employees on June 17.
>>One employee on June 22.
“BPUB wants to reassure customers that there is still staff on hand for ongoing electric, water and wastewater operations and customer service inquiries,” the press release reads. “Many departments are working from remote locations until the pandemic eases. BPUB offices have been closed to visitors and customers since March 17.”
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