More virus cases reported at sheriff’s department, BPUB

The Cameron County Sheriff’s Department on Thursday announced that two more of its detention officers have tested positive for COVID-19, as well as a civilian staff employee.

The sheriff’s department announced the cases on its Facebook Page.

According to the department, the detention officers were last in the facility at the CRDC on June 12. The civilian employee had last been at the facility on June 8.

The department said all other civilian employees tested had tested negative, and that Command staff is working at this time to take the proper preventive measures to avoid risks of further contamination.

This brings the total number of detention officers to four, one deputy, and two civilian staff that have tested positive.

The department said it is grateful that no inmate has been affected by the virus at this time.

“We ask the community to keep us in their prayers as we strive every day to keep our staff and jail population as safe as possible.”

The Brownsville Public Utilities Board also reported four additional cases of COVID-19 on Thursday.

The utility company said one affected employee was working remotely and was last at a BPUB facility on March 24. The second employee was last at a BPUB facility June 5 and the third was last at a BPUB facility on June 8. The fourth was last at a BPUB facility on June 15.

Officials received confirmation on the cases on Wednesday and Thursday.

BPUB says it wants to reassure customers that there is still staff on hand for ongoing electric, water and wastewater operations and customer service inquiries. BPUB offices have been closed to visitors and customers since March 17. Customers are encouraged to pay their bills online or by phone.