Brownsville names top 3 finalists for downtown mural, seeking votes 

The city of Brownsville has announced the top three local finalists to create a mural downtown. (Courtesy: City of Brownsville/Facebook)

The city of Brownsville has announced the top three local finalists to create a mural downtown, and they want your input. 

The top three finalists are “El Pajaro,” by Gabriel Trevino, “Welcome to Brownsville,” by Jesse James and “Where Seeds Bloom,” by Jesus Trevino. 

One of those finalists will create the mural at 1268 E. Elizabeth St. 

The city urges people to participate since their votes count for 60% of the final overall score. 

“We are proud to announce the top three local finalists for the Downtown Mural Project. We appreciate the partners who were part of the selection process as these proposed pieces represent Brownsville’s history, community, and culture,” City Manager Helen Ramirez said. “We encourage everyone to participate in this historical moment and cast their vote.” 

Voting began April 6 and will continue until Tuesday, April 18, until 11:59 p.m. 

Aside from voting online, people can also visit the following locations and vote in-person:

>> Downtown Recreation Center, located at 1338 E. 8th St.; 

>> Brownsville Metro Terminal – La Plaza, located at 755 International Blvd.;

>> City Hall, located at 1001 E. Elizabeth St.; 

>> Brownsville Museum of Fine Art, located at 660 E. Ringgold St.;

>> and George Ramirez Performing Arts Academy, located at 543 E. 11th St.

Back in February, the city, in collaboration with the Brownsville Beautification Committee, Brownsville Museum of Fine Art, Revival of Cultural Arts, Consulate of Mexico in Brownsville and the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley, put out a call for local artists.

“This particular location was selected due to it having a high foot traffic/activity, close to international crossings, and businesses.,” Marina Zolezzi, chief of staff to City Manager Helen Ramirez, said of the mural’s location at the time. “It was also based on the mural project scope and budget.”

To vote, visit or visit any of the aforementioned locations. 


Here are the top three finalists’ artwork and their description.

>> EL PAJARO by Gabriel Trevino

“El Pajaro” by Gabriel Trevino (Courtesy: City of Brownsville)

GABRIEL TREVINO: “Attached you will see a picture of a painting I did ‘El Pajaro’ which represents a hummingbird in flight. I think this piece can be a great representation of the rich birding community that attracts hundreds of bird lovers and bird watchers from all over the world. I feel this piece ‘El Pajaro’ is a very colorful geometric designed work that will resonate well amongst the architect of the downtown area.”


“Welcome to Brownsville” by Jesse James (Courtesy: City of Brownsville)

JESSE JAMES: “Some key features of the mural, I wanted to create a surreal and filling environment that represents our city and culture. Divided into quadrants with the Immaculate Conception Cathedral centered. On the top half, you’ll see a Welcome to Brownsville title. On the right side, you can see South Padre Island decorated with familiar hotels, shops, and a skatepark. A rocket of SpaceX can be seen launching from left to right, from day into the night, above the water with the iconic bridge in the background, and a surfer catching a wave. On the bottom right quadrant, Glady’s Porter Zoo will be represented with animals such as Harambe the Gorilla, a Lion, an Orangutan, a Parrot, and Flamingo and a snake. This will be a great addition for a photo op, and a peek and reminder of our beautiful international Zoo. Orangutan will be dedicated to Anthropologist Professor Carina Marques, for helping me stay encouraged and overcome depressing season I am recovering from. Across the Immaculate Church, on the left, a Mexican/Hispanic celebration will be going on with mariachi singers, dancers, a dancing puppy, and a taco truck. This scene will be decorated with traditional Mexican/Hispanic decorations and symbols. Hidden highlights will be the logo of UTRGV and Selena Quintanilla, and although she is from Corpus Christi, a small tribute to her would be awesome as she really embraced the culture of South Texas.”

>> WHERE SEEDS BLOOM by Jesus Trevino 

“Where Seeds Bloom” by Jesus Trevino (Courtesy: City of Brownsville)

JESUS TREVINO: “This Mural honors the roots and labor of our region and generations that came before planting the seeds for a brighter future. It depicts a person planting seeds. The landscape has palm trees and thick foliage characteristic of the Brownsville Landscape. The sky blooms with images of the Charro Days Parade, UTRGV/TSC graduates. Above that Initial level is a skyline of various notable Brownsville Locations. (Zoo, Museum, Schools, Downtown Market Square, Mitte Cultural District, etc.) Throughout are images of butterflies and all they symbolize, and birds that can be located in this region such as a Kiskadee, Roseate Spoonbill, and a Muscovy Duck.”