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LETTERS: Pelosi Blasted

Thank you, Nancy Pelosi! The next time I visit the Kennedy Center in New York City, I’ll send you a thank-you note. Of course, I...

LETTERS: Advocate for children

April was National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and CASA of Cameron-Willacy is raising awareness of the need for more dedicated members of the community...

EDITORIAL: Here to help: Ending DACA would remove thousands of health workers

The ongoing coronavirus crisis has drawn the attention of many Americans, including government officials, away from many issues. One topic that might have taken...

LETTERS: Conservatism created crisis

First: “A hoax!” Lately: “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.” President Trump and rightwing media accused Democrats of...

LETTERS: Abortion ban not supported

I believe concerned citizens must speak out whenever government is used to impose an ideology on the people, especially those who are most vulnerable....

LETTERS: Rescue bill pork-filled

I sent this letter to some of our U.S. representatives: Subject: $2.2 trillion ... rescue bill passed the week of March 23, 2020 —...

LETTERS: Colorful history

The moon glows upon the Rio Grande Valley, gifting us her female energy and her blessing. Her reflection is a beautiful still life on...

LETTERS: Is this what you wanted?

More and more reports are coming in that show the Chinese government (communists) suppressed free speech and shut off the internet to their citizens....

EDITORIAL: Log in: Time spent self-sheltering useful for filling out census

Most people are spending more time at home than they ordinarily do. Surely many people welcome the additional homebound hours, as they offer a...

EDITORIAL: Reload: Failure of SpaceX prototype part of development process

The failure of SpaceX Starship SN1 prototype on Friday was a setback for a project that already behind schedule, but we don’t join the...