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COMMENTARY: It was the cheese that let John Kelly down

BY ALEXANDRA PETRIWhy did White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly shift and grimace in discomfort when President Trump spoke about Germany being...

COMMENTARY: For President Trump, it’s as if #MeToo never happened

BY ROBIN ABCARIANPresident Donald Trump wants a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe vs. Wade. He supported separating mothers from their small children at...

COMMENTARY: The $247 trillion global debt bomb

BY ROBERT J. SAMUELSONThe untold story of the world economy — so far at least — is the potentially explosive interaction between the spreading...

COMMENTARY: Abolishing ICE is not the answer

BY RUBEN NAVARRETTE JR.Abolish ICE? As political catchphrases go, it’ll do just fine. It’s pithy and punchy. It fits on a bumper sticker. Whether it infuriates...

COMMENTARY: A new reason for Trump to release his tax returns: Helsinki

BY TIMOTHY L. O'BRIENIn case you’ve forgotten about them, President Donald Trump’s personal income tax returns still matter. So do the Trump Organization’s business relationships...

COMMENTARY: County on Kavanaugh to stand against executive bullying

BY MICHAEL GERSONThe Trump administration is not known for its consistency, but some contradictions are too revealing to ignore.In nominating Brett Kavanaugh to the...

COMMENTARY: Will Trump choose Russia over NATO?

BY IVO H. DAALDER AND JAMES M. LINDSAYSFor once, it seems like President Donald Trump isn’t interested in winning. Everything is in place for...

COMMENTARY: Why aren’t wages rising?

BY ROBERT J. SAMUELSONIt’s a mystery. The U.S. economy seems strong. Since the nadir of the Great Recession, employers have added about 19 million...

COMMENTARY: McAllen helps Texas earn ‘America’s Top State’ title

BY GOV. GREG ABBOTTJobs are growing in McAllen, with large gains seen in retail, education and health services. And continuing job growth is predicted.Thanks...

COMMENTARY: Fear not! Brett Kavanaugh knows at least three women.

BY ALEXANDRA PETRII don’t know why you would want a condensed transcript of the Kavanaugh announcement, as it was pretty short, but you are...