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Health & Wellness

How to control, prevent diabetes during pregnancy

BY DR. HAZEM KANAAN and DIANA F. RAMIREZTeenage obesity and diabetes are becoming an epidemic, especially among Hispanics. During the days of famine and...

#healthyrgv: Our health isn’t just about ourselves

I received an email weeks ago from a woman expressing frustration about her partner not sharing the same value about healthy behaviors: “It’s hard...

Surprising links between diabetes and cancer and how to reduce the risks

BY R. Suresh Ratnam and Diana F. Ramirez | Special to The MonitorDiabetes and cancer are significant health concerns in the Rio Grande Valley....

#healthyrgv: Words of wisdom from Dr. Pepper

I’ve received more emails writing this column than for anything else I’ve written for The Monitor. Some email to share their stories, advice or...

#healthyrgv: Making healthy substitutions

Editor’s Note: Join Monitor staff writer Daniel A. Flores for candid thoughts and no- bull access on the path to a healthier lifestyle.We’re going...

#healthyrgv: Making lifestyle changes is difficult

Editor’s Note: Join Monitor staff writer Daniel A. Flores for candid thoughts and no-bull access on the path to a healthier lifestyle.Making lifestyle changes...

Smarter choices leads to weight loss

So, I recently stuck a tube in my mouth and awkwardly breathed into a machine for 10 minutes.As I drooled, the device calculated my...

#healthyrgv: The beginnings of a healthier lifestyle

Full disclosure: I’m a 31-year-old overweight, out-of-shape reporter. I don’t exercise as much as I should, sometimes I don’t drink enough water but I...

Nurse opens health-conscious nopalito food truck in McAllen

The McAllen Food Truck Park is home to numerous vendors specializing in diverse dishes — Venezuelan cuisine, ramen, traditional tacos and more. But one...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy a way to treat diabetes

BY DR. JOSE FARIAS and DIANA F. RAMIREZThe air we breathe is made up of 21 percent oxygen, which is enough sustain life on...