Today looks to be warm and windy with a slight chance of showers

According to the National Weather Service, the Rio Grande Valley is going to be in the mid-80s across the board, and might even see a little rain.

Temperature highs are forecast to run between 83 and 88 from Brownsville to Rio Grande City, respectively, NWS says. The coast stays a little cooler, as usual, with SPI clocking in at a high of 73.

Farther west, Zapata is looking to hit closer to 89 degrees, but features a higher chance of rain. The extreme northwest of the Valley is looking at rain chances between 25 and 40 percent, while the central-most section only has a 15 to 25 percent chance of precipitation.

Looking to the next five days, highs begin creeping steadily higher, possibly hitting the 90s tomorrow and continuing until Friday, as a cold front begins approaching the Valley overnight, potentially bringing rain and a drop into the 60s by Saturday.