Man accused of chewing ecstasy pills, threatening McAllen police

McAllen police arrested a man last week for allegedly attempting to chew and destroy ecstasy pills in addition to resisting arrest and refusing to perform sobriety tests.

Jacob Matthew Jimenez, 27, was arrested Friday, Feb. 28, after officers were dispatched to the 1000 block of Martin Avenue in response to a 9-1-1 call.

The call was in reference to a woman and a man arguing in the parking lot of an apartment complex. The woman shouted for help, claiming she was going to be raped, according to a McAllen police offense report.

The officer who arrived noticed a green Chevy Tracker approaching the intersection of 11th and Jay Street. After stopping the vehicle in hopes of finding out if the driver called 9-1-1 or potentially heard the disturbance, the officer gestured for the driver to lower their window.

The male driver smiled at the officer, waved goodbye and drove around him, the report read.

With additional assistance from two officers, the vehicle was stopped a block away. Officers approached the driver and noticed bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and an odor of alcohol from his breath.

The driver, later identified as Jimenez, had no driver’s license and was searched by one of the officers. Asked about the contents in his pocket, Jimenez pulled out two green pills and stated it was ecstasy, according to the report.

One of the officers reached for the pills, Jimenez pulled away, the report further read, stating another officer stepped in and subdued Jimenez on the pavement to retrieve the pills but were unable to find them.

As an officer attempted to place Jimenez in the patrol car, Jimenez made claims that he knew how to fight and could fight the officer, and “When I get out I am gonna beat your a–,” the report stated.

The report also alleged that Jimenez told an officer to “suck his penis” when asked to conduct a field sobriety test.

Later, the same officer noticed in the video footage of the patrol car that Jimenez’s lips and tongue were stained green from chewing the pills.

In addition to chewing the pills, the report states Jimenez claimed his attorney Rene Flores “was going to fight this and that his uncle was Judge Bobbie (sic) Flores…”

The officer that subdued and escorted Jimenez to jail claimed in the report that he feared Jimenez’s threat. The report stated that Jimenez was memorizing the officer’s full name, despite the officer’s full name not being in the forms or his computer — just his initials and last name.

“I do not know how he learned my complete name and was trying to memorize it,” the report stated.

Jimenez was charged with two third degree felony charges of retaliation and tampering with evidence, in addition to three misdemeanors: resisting arrest, fleeing or attempting to elude police and driving while intoxicated.

He remains jailed with bonds totaling $30,000.