TSTC helps graduate pass on passion for education

Karina Torres graduated from Texas State Technical College in December 2019 with an associate degree in Education and Training and a job offer from Bowie Elementary School in Harlingen, where she works as a paraprofessional.

The 22-year-old’s teachers throughout her years in school inspired her to pursue a career in education.

“Teachers make a huge impact in children’s lives,” said the San Benito native. “I love working with students, and I want to be a part of that impact.”

How did TSTC prepare you for your career?

TSTC provided me with the courses and the skills that I need for a successful career in education. Additionally, I got real-world classroom experience throughout my time in the program, which is what I needed to get my foot in the door and become a paraprofessional.

Who at TSTC had the most influence on your success?

My Education and Training instructor, Myriam Aguila, had the most influence on my success. It is her dedication to education that I admire most.

What are your future goals?

I’m one year away from completing my next goal of obtaining my bachelor’s degree. Then I hope to become a prekindergarten teacher.

What advice do you have for future TSTC students?

My advice is to never give up. School has not always been easy for me, but I worked hard and did my best, and now I am a college graduate and working in a career I am passionate about.