A Li’L Science: TSTC offers first children’s STEM Summer Camp

BY Amanda Sotelo

From magnetic slime and rocket launches to robotic race cars, the Texas State Technical College Challenger Learning Center has two weeks of summer fun lined up in June with their first Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Summer Camp.

“We are so excited for this program. It’s a great opportunity for our Valley students,” said Yvette Mendoza, TSTC College Readiness coordinator. “STEM is a huge focus right now and with this program we want to help the school districts keep students engaged in STEM fields and learning even during summer break.”

The pilot program begins June 12 for ages six to 14 and is a half-day summer camp that teaches about astronomy, rocketry and robotics through hands-on experiences and age-appropriate activities.

There are four different camps specific to age group: Atlantis, ages six and seven; Discovery, ages eight and nine; Endeavor, ages 10-12; and Challenger, ages 13 and 14.

Atlantis and Discovery will make magnetic slime and launch rockets respectively, and also complete TSTC’s Micronauts program, which offers kindergarten through fourth-grade students the opportunity to learn science through hands-on projects such as experimenting with magnets and microscopes and learning about computer coding and the solar system with TSTC’s planetarium.

Endeavor and Challenger teams will get to complete Challenger space shuttle flight missions and build and race robotic cars.

“Providing hands-on experiences during this program is an important factor for us,” said Rose Serafin Corley, TSTC College Readiness program advisor. “This is exciting for the children, it makes their time with us more meaningful and gives them something to take home as a memento.”

TSTC College Readiness Director Neri Balli said this program is taking TSTC’s Challenger Learning Center to the next level.

“This program allows us to expand our services into more areas of STEM and increase our community involvement at our center,” said Balli. “It lets us open up the world of STEM to even the youngest learners and open their eyes to the opportunities available to them in the field.”

The goal for the TSTC Challenger Learning Center team is to grow this new program into an annual tradition that is also offered during winter break and spring break, while also showcasing the campus and STEM fields of study offered.

“TSTC and the Challenger Learning Center really do fit together and go hand-in-hand,” said Balli. “One of NASA’s goals is to get to Mars and it is the students with an interest in STEM-related fields and those who have trade-related skills, who will have the opportunity to help make this happen.”

Applications for the STEM Summer Camp are already being accepted. The camp fee is $20 and will include lunch. There are two sessions available per age group, June 12-15 and June 19-22.

The TSTC Challenger Learning Center STEM Summer Camp is also being offered at TSTC’s Waco campus.

To register your child, to get more information or pick up an application, call 956-364-4125.