Bike safety serious matter

I have to say how much I enjoyed the article on the schooling of the children on bicycles, safety and all. Not enough take it seriously, and then they suffer the results. But at least someone is making an effort to teach the young about safety.

And the most important thing they need to be taught is to know that many people in their big dangerous vehicle won’t see them or stop for them and they may be seriously injured or killed.

So the parents need to continue the education and oversee that they follow the lessons they have been taught. I say this from experience with children on bicycles.

They dare you to hit them, laughing and riding

off to the dirt or grassy areas. Frustrated and a bit angry I am just so thankful that I didn’t actually hit one of them.

Then I see to-day, the article on the man who rides to work everyday. Thankfully he is aware of the dangers of bicycles vs. automobiles and is a careful bicyclist. Opposite of so many of those I see.

I live to the West of Harlingen and often there are bicyclists in the turn lane, yes, in the center of the road, merrily riding up or down Business 83. Then there is the bicyclist that is in the right hand lane, but when they come to the red light, they look, no cars coming and they go across against the light.

What can you do? Nothing. But it irritates the vehicle drivers. And not only there, but through the city of Harlingen I often see the same thing.

Bicyclists ignoring the signals, traffic and the rules. So when I read the paper, I think, yeah, always watch for the cyclist.

They don’t have to obey any laws, no one ever stops them and no matter how much training you give them, when they are out on their bikes, it is they are in charge and forget the rules.

The solution? I’m sorry, there isn’t one. But at least someone is trying, and teaching them the arm signals (yeah, see if they ever use them) for turns or stops.

So all you can do is to keep trying and blessings for your guys that are trying to do it.

Joan Melton, Harlingen