Time to come together Texans

In this time of partisan bickering, it’s very hard to remember that we are all Texans, regardless of political affiliation.

We all grew up here, or moved here. We all shop at HEB, we all go the same high school football games, we all banded together when Hurricane Harvey ravaged our coast, and we will all band together when the next hurricane hits.

So it’s important our members of congress live up to our standard of friendliness.

The bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus serves to promote bipartisanship on Capitol Hill by having an even number of Republicans and Democrats. This caucus serves to protect our environment by using solutions that both parties can agree on, to create

change that is substantive.

Please call Filemon Vela at (202) 225-9901 and ask him to try and join this caucus with another Texan.

If Texas doesn’t lead on environmental issues and Bipartisanship, the country as a whole isn’t living up to its best.

Jordan Navarro, Santa Rosa