MATP event helps students develop motor skills

Just over 125 San Benito CISD Special Education students participated in the Spring 2018 Special Olympics Motor Activity Training Program (MATP) held recently at the San Benito Veterans Memorial Academy gymnasium.

This year’s “Super Hero” theme brought out SUPER heroes of all ages to enjoy a fun-filled event designed to develop individual students’ motor skills through sport-specific tasks and recreation activities appropriate for the young participants’ ability levels.

The program is designed for athletes whose skills and/or functional abilities do not allow them to participate in official Special Olympics sport competitions. MATP activities include tasks such as pushing or kicking a ball, jumping within a colorful ball pit, or stepping across a low bar. Sensory exploration activities and ball ramp bowling were also among the numerous skills events available.

Special Olympics/Adaptive Physical Education Coordinator Rick Tamez explains, “We are committed to providing our special needs students a wonderful experience with our motor activity training program. This event emphasizes training and participation; it’s not a competition.”

“Our athletes really enjoy all the activities we provide for them. The event also helps boost their confidence,” he adds.

Tamez also boasts about the remarkable Department of Special Services staff that helps coordinate the districtwide event, acknowledging that without them, the event wouldn’t be even more successful with each passing year.

For additional information on the school district’s MATP initiative, contact the Special Services Department at (956) 361-6221.