Looking at immigration laws

Upon reading the letter by Gilbert Mendez in today’s paper (5-8-18), I continue to see the confusion of immigration with illegal entry. Although many who enter illegally are hard workers who simply want to make their lives better, others find their way here for devious reasons.

We have a legal system that is supposed to stem the mass entry of the world’s needy (we can not serve them all) and also make it possible for those who stay within the system

to become legal citizens. The idea that immigrants are not still welcome is a fallacy.

But the law, by necessity, curtails the unchecked flow of people who are undocumented and perhaps not law abiding.

Each country has its immigration laws which limit those who may enter. The U.S. should be no different and should not be expected to be. Either we are a country governed by laws or we will become a country of renegades.

To suggest that those who enter the U.S. illegally are superior in moral fiber to those now living here,

(with references of mass killings; we also have laws within the country to deal with them) is an ideological misapplication of reality.

To offer that as a reason for allowing illegal entry to this country is not reasonable.

We probably need to take a look at the immigration laws and make necessary changes, but the change should not be to simply ignore the laws.

Sincerely, Norma Christian, Raymondville