Construction company plans to buy property at industrial park

SAN BENITO — A local company might be expanding into the city’s industrial park.

The city is in negotiations with Tan Construction, a $10 million company planning to buy property at the San Benito Industrial Park, City Commissioner Esteban Rodriguez said yesterday.

Rodriguez said the general contractor, now located off Vasquez Road, might be seeking a “small incentive.”

“They’ve got great plans for San Benito,” Rodriguez said. “They’re expanding. It’s a growing company. They need more space.

Rodriguez, who said he drew the company into talks, added the business, which employs 10 to 12 workers, contracts work.

“They contract a lot of work out,” he said. “That’s why they need more space. It fills up a vacant building in the industrial park.”

City Manager Manuel De La Rosa declined to disclose whether City Attorney Ricardo Morado was expected to brief commissioners about the business in a closed-session meeting tonight.

“It is too early in the negotiation process to provide information on a prospective company the city of San Benito may or may not be discussing incentives,” De La Rosa stated. “It is unprofessional for me to divulge the name of the company at this time. The release of information specific to a business prospect has the potential to derail the negotiations.”

Tan Construction

– $10 million company

– Employs 10 to 12 workers

– Plans expansion into industrial park