TSTC hosts biggest job fair to date

BY Amanda Sotelo

With the skills gap growing in Texas for technically trained employees, industries are turning to Texas State Technical College to fill in-demand jobs, making this year’s Industry Job Fair one of the largest for the college.

More than 70 employers representing an array of industries including aviation, computer and information technology, engineering and manufacturing, health science, transportation, construction and maintenance and business office technology were on hand to discuss job opportunities, accept resumés and conduct on-site interviews.

“We’re are so excited to be hosting our largest job fair yet,” said Director of Talent Management and Career Services Viviana Espinosa. “Industry representatives here today are looking to fill positions with skilled employees and many look at our students first because of the training they receive in the classroom. They’re ready to work.”

With more than 500 TSTC students and alumni in attendance, Dane Hayton, human resources manager for Tenaris, the world’s leader and manufacturer in tubular products, received job applications from nearly everyone who stopped at their booth.

“The oil and gas industry is turning around and we need to fill positions across the state,” said Hayton. “We’re growing and we have had great experience with the graduates we hire from TSTC, so we keep a close relationship with the college.”

Hayton hires TSTC students and graduates to fill various positions in areas such as welding, information systems, mechatronics and power electric and controls.

Two of Tenaris’ most recent hires, Aaron Guajardo and Nicholas Rosales, who graduated from TSTC’s Mechatronics Technology and Industrial Systems Technology, respectively, were also recruiting.

Hayton said they enjoy attending the job fairs and returning to the college throughout the year to recruit and interview applicants. He also added he is beginning to work closely and build a relationship with TSTC’s Fort Bend County campus to begin recruiting graduates there.

tudents and alumni who applied to Tenaris should be receiving notification next week. But, for many students like Miguel Zamarripa, industry demand is working in their favor.

Zamarripa, who graduated last semester with an associate degree in Precision Machining Technology and is currently adding to his skill set by taking introduction to drafting and engineering graphics courses, was hired at the job fair by LaRue Tactics as a computer numerical control (CNC) machinist.

LaRue Tactical is known worldwide for manufacturing rifle systems and targets.

“I didn’t expect to receive an interview or job offer today,” said Zamarripa. “I had applied a couple of weeks back, but this came as a surprise. I’m excited, it’s going to be a new adventure.”

Within the next month, Zamarripa will move to Austin to enter the industry, in a job, he has been hoping for since beginning college.

“As students we are lucky that TSTC gives us the opportunity to network and speak face-to-face with industry recruiters and professionals,” said Zamarripa. “It makes it easier for us to find jobs and success.”

Espinosa said she is looking forward to building relationships with new industry partners and growing those already in place. She also hopes to see future Industry Job Fairs continue to grow so that TSTC students and alumni can continue to be introduced to new job opportunities.

“It’s exciting to see our students leaving with jobs or job leads, that makes for a successful event,” she said. “It’s all about helping our students connect and network with industry recruiters.”

For more information on the services offered by TSTC’s Talent Management and Career Services for students, alumni and industry, call 956-364-4940.

For more information on the programs offered at TSTC, visit tstc.edu.