Chancellor’s Excellence Award: Dora Colvin

BY Amanda Sotelo

Dora Colvin found her passion for helping students while she was a student herself and since then has made a difference in countless lives, making her a two-time Chancellor’s Excellence Award recipient for Texas State Technical College.

The Director of Student Recruitment for the South Texas region earned her first Chancellor’s Excellence Award in 2010 and is one of 16 recipients for 2018.

“Never in a million years did I think I would receive this award for the second time. I didn’t think the email letting me know was real,” she said with a laugh. “But I am so honored, humbled and blessed.”

TSTC’s Chancellor Mike Reeser selects faculty and staff for their distinguished service and dedication to the college, communities and their state for this award.

“These teammates were nominated by their peers, recommended by their Provosts and Vice Chancellor’s and chosen as faculty and staff who model excellence in our college every day,” said Reeser. “Their caring and dedicated efforts embolden us all to make a difference in the success of our teams and the lives of our students.”

Colvin first started working in higher education when she was a student at the University of Texas-Pan American and was offered a work study job at the campus library.

She then took a job as a tour guide and ended up as a tour coordinator intern and well, the rest is history.

Colvin graduated from UTPA in 2004 with a bachelor’s degree in Communications Journalism, although she said she knew her calling was somewhere else, and received a master’s degree in Student Development Leadership and Higher Education from Angelo State University.

Before arriving at TSTC, Colvin worked at UTPA as a women’s residence hall coordinator, outreach specialist and assistant director of recruitment.

“My passion is helping students and empowering them to get an education,” she said. “I also enjoy serving not only the student, but their parents and family. An education is life changing and can positively impact everyone.”

Kimberly Porter, TSTC vice president of Student Recruitment and Colvin’s supervisor, said she has worked with Colvin for four years now and that she is the most professional, courteous and positive person she has ever worked with.

“Dora leads from a place of concern for her team and students,” said Porter. “I’m very fortunate to have her on my team. I never have to worry about her. She knows her job and responsibilities in and out.

Porter added that Colvin’s job doesn’t end at 5 p.m.

“Dora will leave as late as she has to and will come as early as she has to. And she never complains,” Porter added. “She embraces her job and the campuses she leads. A huge congratulations to her. This award is well deserved.”

So, what is Colvin’s favorite part of her job?

“I love that I get to see students grow up,” she said. “They come on campus, new and nervous and leave leaders and ready to achieve great things. I get to see them graduate and move on. That is what makes this job so rewarding.”

Colvin said she considers herself blessed and lucky to work with an amazing team and student ambassadors and that she shares this Chancellor’s Excellence Award with them.

She added that she will continue to work hard and make a difference in students’ lives and that of their families. She hopes she can continue to serve as a positive role model for those she serves and for her four-year-old daughter.

“I’m so thankful for the all of the opportunities I have received here at TSTC and throughout my journey,” Colvin said. “There are so many others that deserve this award and I’m truly honored for this recognition.”

Colvin will be honored in May at the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development Awards dinner and celebration in Austin where, she and the other Chancellor’s Award recipients, will receive their awards.