Campus Star: Rising Scholar principal finalist in H-E-B education awards

SAN BENITO — In the crowded gym, students sat anxiously looking toward the door, waiting.

There was going to be a surprise and the whole school was in on it, except for one person.

The moment the doors opened and Rising Scholar Academy Principal Carrie Sauceda walked in, the school erupted in cheers.

Sauceda was being celebrated as a finalist for the H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards.

The annual awards honor educators and schools for their work with students and presents winners with cash prizes for themselves and their school.

Sauceda was nominated by a former colleague in the principal category.

“I was really thrilled and honored that I received a nomination,” Sauceda said.

She wanted to prove she was worth the nomination and worked hard on the application. She didn’t realize she would become a finalist.

School administrators decided to surprise Sauceda yesterday at noon with the news and gathered the school into the gymnasium.

Everyone except for a select few thought the assembly was supposed to be a presentation from a well-known engineer.

Just moments before Sauceda walked in, students and staff were told about the secret.

“I’m so honored and shocked,” Sauceda said.

With balloons and a cake in hand, staff and representatives from the popular grocery store chain congratulated Sauceda and handed her a super-sized check for $1,000.

In addition to the $1,000, the campus also received $2,500.

Colleagues came up to hug Sauceda and congratulate her as students walked toward her to give her high-fives.

Sauceda began her teaching career as a high school English teacher more than 20 years ago.

Since then she has worked as an assistant principal and took on the role of principal at Rising Scholars Academy three years ago.

“Teaching means everything, it’s why I get up in the morning,” she said through tears. “It’s a lot of hard work but it’s worth it if it makes a difference for just one student.”

Sauceda is one of four principals in the state of Texas to have been named a finalist.

In May, Sauceda will travel to Houston to go up in front of a team of judges for the final round.

If chosen, Sauceda will take home $10,000 for herself and $25,000 for her campus.

H-E-B Excellence in Education Categories

• Rising Star – Teachers who have taught less than 10 years win a prize of $5,000 for themselves and their school.

• Leadership – Teachers who have taught between 10 and 20 years win a prize of $10,000 for themselves and their school.

• Lifetime achievement – Awarded to teachers who have taught more than 20 years and win a prize of $25,000 for themselves and their school.

• Principal – Winners receive $10,000 for themselves and $25,000 for their school.

Who is Carrie Sauceda?

• Has worked as an educator for more than 20 years

• Received her master’s of education at the University of Texas at Brownsville

• Worked with IDEA Public Schools in various capacities before joining South Texas ISD

• Opened the Rising Scholar Academy three years ago as a principal