Youth group re-enacts Stations of the Cross on Good Friday

BROWNSVILLE — Members of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church gathered Good Friday to watch their youth group re-enact the Stations of the Cross, a parish tradition that tells the story of Jesus’ crucifixion.

Father Tom Pincelli said the visual memorial is an opportunity for a unique impact as worshippers reflect on Christ’s sacrifice.

The church has enough property to allow the re-enactment to take place entirely outdoors, and parishioners follow the re-enactment from Jesus’ arrest to when he is removed from the cross.

“It’s important now and again to strike that chord, the extent Christ went to show his love,” Pincelli said. “That’s the visual we want so people are a little more cognizant of what our faith brings us to.”

It’s also a reminder to Christians that they are sometimes called to sacrifice.

“There are small things we can do each day to confront what’s not convenient or comfortable,” Pincelli said, “or to visit someone who needs attention.”

About 50 people are involved in producing the memorial. Young actors wailed as Roman soldiers adorned a bloodied Christ with a crown of thorns, and parishioners offered a prayer at each station.

Youth Coordinator Chris Ontiveros said his hope is that the memorial helps young participators grow in their faith not only in the present day, but down the road as well.

“I hope they understand what Christ went though in his passion and always come back to it no matter where they’re at,” he said.

Rosario Figueroa, the church’s director of religious education, said the youth group was eager to take on the project.

“It’s important nowadays to get them (involved) as Catholics so they won’t forget what Jesus did for them,” she said. “It all goes back to the faith. It’s something they want to do.”