Women’s conference to help develop professional, personal skills

HARLINGEN — Women interested in learning about financial literacy or impacting the community beyond volunteering will have a chance with an upcoming conference led by female community leaders.

The Junior League of Harlingen will host its second annual Women Empowering Women Conference that will feature panels and training on various topics on bettering one’s self and community.

The conference began last year as an attempt to expand on the training that the league was doing within its own organization.

Rebekah Batot, president of the Junior League of Harlingen, said the league has two focuses, volunteerism and training women for leadership roles.

During monthly meetings, the league holds hour-long trainings on topics that have interest or are needed within the group.

Batot said the conference began as an extension and expansion of that training.

“We thought, well if we’re interested then other women might be interested, too,” Batot said.

First lady of San Antonio and Valley native Erika Prosper will be the featured speaker at the event.

Prosper is currently the chairwoman of the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and a member of the H-E-B Corporate Diversity Leadership Council.

“We are very excited for our keynote speaker,” Batot said.

The event is free and open to the women of the Valley.

Panels will include information on financial planning, creating impact in the community and self-care.

“We’re learning what women want to see,” Batot said. “We’re talking among our members about what they’re interested in. We’re really targeting what people find useful.”

Batot said panel topics are discussed and created by members.

“We have a broad group of diverse women with varied interests,” she said.

She said the league is hoping to grow the conference every year and already has plans for the next two years.

Last year, the conference attracted 40 women.

This year, more than 60 women have registered for the event and Batot said the league is anticipating 100 women by the date of the conference.

If You Go

WHAT: Women Empowering Women Conference

WHEN: Saturday, April 7, 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

WHERE: TSTC, 1902 N Loop 499, Harlingen

To register visit www.jlharlingen.org/women-empowering-women-summit/