Happy Valentine’s Day

SAN BENITO — When you walk into Honey Beez you can’t escape the roses. Hundreds and hundreds of red roses fill the San Benito flower shop on Williams Road.

From small bouquets to elaborate arrangements, owner Martha Treviño has been filling vases for days in preparation for Valentine’s Day.

She ordered more than 1,500 roses and has used enough ribbon to create bows that would stretch the length of five football fields.

“Right now I’m operating on very little sleep, coffee and tea,” she said yesterday as she added greenery and flowers to one of the 100-plus orders that will be delivered today.

Treviño started creating the arrangements over the weekend, with some customers picking up their flowers on Monday.

“Some of the men like to give the flowers early so their girlfriends or wives can enjoy them for several days.”

According to 1800flowers, Valentine’s Day is the second largest holiday next to Mother’s Day for the floral industry, but at Honey Beez those numbers are reversed.

“Some men have more than one girlfriend, but they only have one mother, so this is the busiest and happiest day of the year for me,” she said.

She says her husband will be organizing the deliveries today. Her best friend Sylvia and others will start at the schools and businesses and then make home deliveries.

She smiled when asked what her plans were for Thursday. “I plan to enjoy a glass of wine, rest and come in a little late.”